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What we do

Educate & Empower

We provide free training / tutoring / mentoring / coaching on various topics like

  • English
  • Computers
  • Career Counseling
  • IT / Technology Careers
  • E-Commerce


Classes Offered

ENGLISH - Learn English if this is not your first language. Learn to

  • Speak
  • Read
  • Write

COMPUTERS- Learn basic technology skills

  • Microsoft Word / Excel / Outlook / Email
  • Google Search
  • PC / iPhone / iPad
  • Internet Basics
  • ChatGPT Search (AI)

E-COMMERCE - How to get started selling your goods or services online?

  • Product research and selection
  • Sales platforms
  • Marketing / SEO / Paid vs Organic Website Traffic
  • Software and Automation
  • Logistics / Shipping / Warehousing
  • Challenges

CAREER COUNSELING - Advance your career

  • How to develop skills to get high paying jobs
  • Resume writing, Job Search, Interviewing skills

STARTING A NEW BUSINESS - Do you wish to be an entrepreneur / start your own business. Learn to

  • Identify potential business ideas that match your past experience and skills
  • How much startup capital / money you will need 
  • How to get started - incorporation, legal, capital planning, HR, contracts etc.
  • Financial Forecasting and Budget planning

IT TECHNOLOGY FIELD - Do you have an interest in entering Information Technology field?

  • What are different IT related careers
  • How to get started
  • What to expect

PROCUREMENT AND SUPPLY CHAIN FIELD - Do you have an interest in entering Procurement / Supply Chain / Strategic Sourcing field?

  • What are different roles 
  • How to get started
  • What to expect

Class Schedule

In-Person classes are currently held in Muttontown, NY with plans for additional locations near Hicksville in Long Island, NY.

ENGLISH - 3 times a week - Monday, Tuesday & Friday 9am-10:30am

COMPUTERS - 3-4 times a week - Thursday, Saturday & Sunday 9am-10:30am

E-COMMERCE - Offered as an additional part of our Computers Class

CAREER COUNSELING - One-on-One assistance, as needed. An in-person meeting initially, followed by zoom video/phone calls.

STARTING A NEW BUSINESS  - One-on-One assistance, as needed. An in-person meeting initially, followed by zoom video/phone calls.

PROCUREMENT AND SUPPLY CHAIN FIELD - One-on-One assistance. An in-person meeting initially, followed by zoom video/phone calls.

IT TECHNOLOGY CAREERS - 2-hour long seminar - once per quarter


Classes are offered free at no cost. Students do not pay any money for any classes. 

Their only fee is a "promise". Each student promises that when they are well settled in life, and when they are able to, they will provide “meaningful help” to at least 2 individuals in future, and require same promise from them (Pay-It-Forward).

We do expect students to maintain certain discipline and commit to 80%+ attendance.

If you are a serious and committed student , we will hold your hand and walk the journey with you, till a time that you no longer need our support.


